Official W&HM Model Application Form
What is a W&HM Model?
"W&HM / Wheels And Heels Magazine" is a print (POD), Readly(R), web, and social media magazine. For W&HM models, we not only focus on auto industry event modeling, but we also celebrate models from all aspects of modeling, including fashion, lifestyle, glamour, swimsuit, and artistic.
We feature top-tier models as well as upcoming talents in the "Editorial Glam" style. We only showcase high aesthetic editorial works that you would see in other mainstream magazines.
For W&HM models, we offer great branding extension for professional models, especially among major car show organizers, promotional model hiring agencies/managements, and fans around the world. The models also receive preferential job offerings, show coverage, and social promotions.
How Can I apply?
You can submit your photos for review or come to our studio for a test shoot for the feature. To submit your photo proofs, please email your photo contact sheets (not the original photos) to info@wheelsandheelsmag.com, with subject line "Feature Model Submission".
Please also ensure that you obtain the publishing permissions from the copyright owners (usually the photographers).
Can I Schedule a Feature Shoot with You?
If you can be at Los Angeles or Orange County, CA you can apply for an on-site test shoot. Please email to info@wheelsandheelsmag.com with the subject line "Feature Model Application" and basic information / photos about you.
What Happens After My Submission?
We will review your form and photos. If we find your works a match for our magazine style, we will contact you for more details such as high-resolution photos and content for a feature. If all are approved by our editorial team, we will schedule a feature of you.
If You Are Featured, Many Things Happen...
If all things go well, once the feature is published, you will receive,
- e-Tearsheets of your feature in the magazine
- Future priority coverage in shows and events
- Social media promotions
- Any future gig referrals
- Extended network opportunities in the modeling industry
Who Should Apply?
If you have any questions, please email to "info@wheelsandheelsmag.com"
Team W&HM





Find more about them and their wonderful cover editorials at:
If you or your friend like to apply for our feature test shoot, feel free to share this page with them. Here is the shortened link:
W&HM Official Casting Page